There are many ways which can help in clearing cockroaches from the house. Cockroaches are very dangerous for every human as it comes with so many diseases in your house. You just have to make sure that some of the things which will naturally help you keeping the pest away from your house.
Boric acid: This acid is very effective if you want the cockroaches away from your house. But you have to make sure that the kids and the pet should never touch this as it can bring irritation in your skin. Ace Best Pest Control Brisbane services can help in clearing the pest from the house without putting yourself in trouble.
Peppermint and cypress oil: You just have to make a proper mixture of this cypress oil with peppermint and then you have to put this mixture in a bottle and then you need to spray in the areas which are affected. Taking away their preferred habitat and breeding grounds is an important aspect of Cockroach control
Vegetable oil and stale beer: There are many people who hate the smell of the stale beer. Cockroaches get attracted to this stale beer naturally. You need to mix this stale beer and vegetable oil together in a jar and then you need to leave this jar in a place where you think this insect is there. Then the cockroaches will get attracted to the jar and then oil will prevent them to come out of the jar.
Tea tree oil: This oil smells very nice and can even help in repealing the insects. You just have to mix this oil with vinegar and water and then spray this in the suspected area. This will work as Cockroach Pest Control and will help in cockroach control.
Lemons: Lemons also work as home pest control. The Cockroach hates this smell. You can use lemon on the floor during moping.
Pepper, garlic, and onion: This entire ingredient is hated by the Cockroach and this can help in getting read of the Cockroach. If there is no Cockroach in the home then there is no Cockroach infestation.
Plaster of Paris and cornstarch: This is one of the best ways to get rid of Cockroaches, you just have to mix both ingredients and put this on the exit holes.
Baking soda and powdered sugar: Sugar is loved by Cockroach and baking soda can kill them.
These were some of the natural methods to keep Cockroaches out of your house. But if the infestation is beyond the reach of these methods you need to immediately call up Professionals at Pest Control Melbourne whose services can help you totally eradicate the Cockroach infestation from your home.